Automating Structural Analysis and Design with SPACEGASS

About this Guide/Tutorial

This series of video tutorials guide you through the complete process of setting up a Structural Analysis project parametrically using Rhino3d and Grasshopper. The tutorial looks at how to think about planning out the logic of the project and then goes through the steps of generating parametric geometry, setting analysis properties, defining loads and load case combinations and then performing automated structural analysis and design with SpaceGass Structural Analysis Software.

The Tutorial is broken up into the following parts:

  1. Introduction to the tutorial and developing the base logic

  2. Creating the base structural geometry (Video 1)

  3. Creating the base structural geometry (Video 2)

  4. Assigning structural properties (sections and materials)

  5. Assigning structural properties (advanced structural properties)

  6. Assigning loads and load combinations to a structural model

  7. Performing automated structural analysis with SPACEGASS

  8. Performing automated modal frequency analysis with SPACEGASS

  9. Performing automated code-based design with SPACEGASS.

Last Updated: 25/08/2020

Tutorial Files

All Tutorial files can be downloaded from the following Link.


The videos for this tutorial are provided on our Youtube page.

Software/Plug-in Required

  • Rhino6/Grashopper

  • BullAnt (GeometryGym Free plug-in)

  • ggRhinoSpaceGass (GeometryGym plug-in)

  • SPACEGASS Structural Analysis (Link to Trial Version Below)

Last updated

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