
Structural loadings and utilities

Each structural analysis program allows for different loading types and options. The Geometry Gym plug-ins should allow for transfer of any particular loading's you are trying to generate parametrically.

The below shows some of the typical loading types available.

Node Element Loads

Node Load


The node load component allows you to add node / point loads to the structural analysis model. In order to add a node load to the project you will need to have created and input:

  • Load case in which the load node is to be applied

  • The created structural nodes for where the load is to be applied (you cannot input only points into this)

  • Load direction and magnitude and/or the moment direction and magnitude. Both of which take vector inputs.

Once created the node loads will be added to the structural analysis model.

Node Displacement Load


A node displacement load is similar to a typical node load however only requires a vector input for the prescribed displacement for the Node. A node displacement is generally applied to an unrestrained node in the model.


A node settlement load is similar to node load however only requires a vector input for the prescribed displacement for the Node. A node settlement is generally applied to an restrained node in the model.

Working with Node Loads

Create a Load node

To create a node load you must first generate the structural nodes.

Curve Element Loads

Uniformly Distributed (UDL) Load on Curve


Point Load on Curve


Patch Load on Curve


Curve Prestress Load


Curve Temperature Load


Working with Curve Loads

Area Element Loads

Face Load


2d Temperate Load


2d Prestress Load


Load Utilities

Load Network Tributary Areas


This tool can be used to compute tributary areas for nodes contained within a structural grid, as well as generating node loads from varying loading phenomena such as snow drifting or wind pressure.

This routine can work out tributary areas for arbitrary grids (based on mid distance from adjacent nodes), grid normal's (although load can be applied in a uniform direction if desired) and utilise a varying loading intensity at different locations. This can be defined (or checked) intuitively from a surface (or polysurface) relative to a reference plane (the local z from datum defines the magnitude of loading pressure).

If there are other load utilities that could be of assistance then please get in contact.

Last updated

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