SPACE GASS Specifics
Items specific to the SPACE GASS plug-in
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Items specific to the SPACE GASS plug-in
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The below headings relate to specific features within the standard plug-in tabs.
Not here? See general base page
The ggSpaceGassMaterialStd component allows you to access the SPACE GASS standard material library within Grasshopper. This component will read the SPACE GASS material library stored in the program files of the latest version of SPACE GASS you have installed on your computer.
You will need to provide a Library and then a Name of the material. These need to be defined exactly how they are defined within SPACE GASS.
The ggSpaceGassSectionStd component allows you to access the SPACE GASS standard material library within Grasshopper. This component will read the SPACE GASS material library stored in the program files of the latest version of SPACE GASS you have installed.
You will need to provide a Library and a Name of the section exactly how it is defined within SPACE GASS and this will choose the first section within the Library with that given name. You can also provide a Group input, which will tell the plug-in to only search with a given group.
Note that you can override any of the provided values from the Section Library using the Section Property Param inputs.
The ggSpaceGassCreateSectionPropExplicit allow for the definition of an explicit section property within SPACE GASS.
You can also sect section property parameters such as section modification factors and material strengths using ggSpaceGassSectionPropertyParameters. The ****Base Units parameter input allows you to tell the program that the explicit values provided are not as per the Rhino units you are using and to scale as necessary.
There is no geometry preview for an explicit section property as it is defined purely by property values.
SPACE GASS allows for a beam element Type to be defined as a Normal, Tension Only or Compression Only element. You can set which type of element you would like using the MemberType input of the ggSpaceGassBeamAtts component. By right clicking on the parameter you can select from a list of the available options or an integer can also be provided.
Not here? See general attributes page
Not here? See general 1d elements section
Not here? see general loads section
The ggSpaceGassSolver component allows for the automated running of SPACE GASS analysis and extraction of Analysis Results for specific result queries.
Once the Enabled parameter has been set to true
the component will compile a SPACE GASS (.txt) file, then open SPACE GASS automatically. You need to ensure that the Path parameter is set to the SPACE GASS executable file (i.e C:\Program Files (x86)\Space Gass 12\sgwin.exe).
Currently the solver performs a static analysis of the model. If you are looking to perform more advanced analysis then please contact us for support.
Not here? See general analysis and solver page
Not here? See general results page
Not here? See general design page